5k recap and more thoughts on patience

I talk about patience a lot on this blog because it’s something I really struggle with.  Maybe most people do.  Right now, I just want to be faster.  I want to be back where I was before I fell down the injury rabbit hole almost 2 years ago.  And it’s not like I want to…

Practicing Patience

I’m not a patient person.  So I guess it’s good that running gives me a lot of opportunities to practice it.  Yesterday was a prime example.  I’m not in racing shape right now.  I’m 4 weeks out from the marathon and have done mostly easy miles with a few tempo miles thrown in here and…

Since the marathon

It’s hard to believe I ran Erie three weeks ago.  I was so focused on it for so long, I can’t really figure out how I feel about it.  On the one hand, I’m glad it’s over and that it went well.  On the other, I find myself a little jealous of everyone tapering getting…