Back home and feeling good!

Well, all in all, having surgery wasn’t the worst way to spend the morning.  Because I wasn’t scheduled until 9:45, I was able to get up at normal time to get the kids up for school.  While they were getting dressed, I hopped in the shower and got ready while they ate breakfast.  We drove…

Meal Planning Monday….ummm Tuesday

I’ve been trying really hard lately to plan meals for the week.  I was in a big rut for a while where I was sick of all my usual recipes but couldn’t seem to find any other easy recipes that my family would eat.  And then I found a few cooking blogs and they changed…

My last run!

Okay, I guess it wasn’t my last run, I mean, I’m not dying here.  But it WAS my last pre-surgery run and my last run for a couple of months, so that makes it kind of special I guess.  I decided I wanted to take my booty to the trails to enjoy some quality time…

The wait is almost over!

Well, Wednesday is the day!  I’m actually surprised that I’m not nervous.  I’m sure it’ll hit Tuesday night but so far I’m just feeling so very ready.  Ready to put this year long injury behind me and finally start running well and pain free again.  The challenge will be staying somewhat fit while I’m stuck…