Spring Break Recap and Appreciation

We could not possibly have had a better spring break.  We had so much fun visiting with everyone.  As we were packing up yesterday, Ella (the cute puppy from this post) asked if we were leaving.  I said yes and she said, “But I don’t want you to go!”  And neither did I!  Visiting with…

Birthdays and Race Plans

First and most importantly… Today is Lawrence’s 33rd birthday!  Happy Birthday to the man who puts up with all this crazy! 😉  I hope this year is your best year yet!  We had a fun night out last night with my sister and brother-in-law to celebrate.  It’s hard to believe that the first birthday he…

MRI Results and Aftermath

I spent this morning completely unable to focus on anything.   I usually exist in a semi-state of spastic but I was in full on spastic mode.  I knew THE CALL was coming.  My doctor told me to give her 48 hours from the MRI to get me the results.  Since my appointment was at…

Waiting is Hard

Waiting on test results is seriously awful.  At this point, good or bad, I just want to know exactly what I’m dealing with.  When planning for this trip, in an act of total optimism, I packed my running clothes.  I figured if I got the go ahead to try an easy mile or so, I’d…

Take Me Home, Country Roads!

Since I’ll be spending a good portion of the day in the car and spending the evening eating, drinking and catching up, I decided to start the day off with a trip to the gym.  It’s a good thing I planned to go to a spin class because my motivation was at an all time…

Spring Break Is Here!

MRI is done and the waiting begins.  Hopefully I’ll have the results by Tuesday.  I actually kind of enjoyed the whole experience.  Lie down on my stomach for 30 minutes with earplugs in and try not to move?  Sounds great, wake me up when you’re done!  I might’ve been a little sad when the technician…

On Motivation and Bikram

I read some good stuff about motivation over at shut up and run the other day. “I’m pretty convinced that if we wait until we really FEEL like doing something, very little would ever get done. Well, maybe lots of potato chips would get eaten, but that’s about it. People wonder how you are supposed…

Happy Spring!

Monday I woke up to a blanket of snow and yesterday looked like this: How could I not be happy on a day like that?? My training session was great yesterday.  I base this on the fact that I had to hold back tears during the workout.  He had me doing a wall sit while…

Runner’s Ego

How thoughtful of Running Times to address injuries in their April issue, just when I needed it.  I’ll need to remember to send them a thank you note.  Apparently I have a case of runner’s ego.  Like runner’s knee, runner’s ego is a common ailment among runners.  Who knew?  This is what the editor, Jonathan…

Monday, Snow, And Facebook

I didn’t even know snow was in the forecast and woke up to this: So that was a nice little surprise. I went ahead and scheduled my doctor’s appointment for tomorrow morning.  I won’t get any answers but hopefully will be a step closer to figuring out what’s going on.  And I’ve been thinking a…

Looking Ahead

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! If I ever run a race near St. Patrick’s day, I’m going to see if this outfit comes in my size. So, apparently the cashier at Chick Fil A was right to be concerned about me and the Ebola virus.  Something nasty is going around my house and it hit us…

If you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!

Since I can’t race this weekend, I decided to do the next best thing and go cheer on the people doing the RNR DC half and full marathon.  A couple of friends were doing the half, so last night I made a sign and set my alarm for 5:15.  A piece of advice, if you…